Care Connect API
- CI Build

Care Connect API - Local Development build (vnull). See the Directory of published versions


Search Parameters

Name Type Description Conformance Path
address-postalcode string A postalCode specified in an address MAY Patient.address.postalCode
birthdate date The patient's date of birth SHALL Patient.birthDate
email token A value in an email contact MAY Patient.telecom
family string A portion of the family name of the patient SHALL
gender token Gender of the patient SHALL Patient.gender
given string A portion of the given name of the patient SHALL
identifier token A patient identifier (NHS Number, Hospital Number, etc) SHALL Patient.identifier
name string A portion of either family or given name of the patient SHALL
phone token A value in a phone contact MAY Patient.telecom(system=phone)

Client systems SHALL provide at least two parameters of differing types, unless searching on identifier where one parameter is permitted. Systems SHALL support the following search combinations:

  • name + gender
  • name + birthdate
  • family + gender
  • given + gender